6 Productive Ways To Reduce Stress

Productive Ways To Reduce Stress In Your Life

Stress is something that nearly everyone has experienced one time or another. Sometimes our chest tightens up and we can literally feel the physical tension. Other times we sense a sudden wave of dread regarding an upcoming event.

Whether this stress comes from a job loss, medical illness, or another event that made you nervous, we can all agree that stress is not a fun feeling.

Although stress is truly an inevitable part of life, luckily, there are productive ways to reduce stress.

1) Write Down What You ARE Stressed About

Sometimes our fears seem larger in our heads. The simple exercise of writing down what is bothering you can help to alleviate some of your stress.

Write down the absolute worst case scenario. Then honestly think through how likely it is that this scenario could happen. If there is a high chance that the scenario could occur, list out all the ways you could possibly tackle the problem.

Writing down your problems and then writing down the steps you could take to solve them can help to put things into perspective.

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2) Out Exercise Your Stress

Exercising releases oxygen to your brain and gives you a fresh burst of energy known an endorphins.

When you are feeling stressed, it is important to incorporate some type of physical activity in your day.

Get out of your home if you can. You can take a walk around your neighborhood or go to a nearby park. Be sure to stay within 6 feet of those around you. Whether it is low impact exercise or high intensity training, moving your body is one proven way to reduce stress.

3) Sleep…No Really

Even computers have to recharge! You cannot perform at your best if you are a zombie. Luckily, there are ways to help you get in a full night rest each day. Try simple sleep-aid tricks such as putting away electronic devices an hour or two before bedtime.

You can also look to beverages to help reduce your stress. Herbal drinks such as non-caffeinated teas can truly help relax you as you get ready for bed.

TLDR: Try your best to get in sufficient sleep as a quick way to reduce stress in your life.

4) Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is described as “the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something”. Above all, acknowledge exactly what it is in your life that may be causing you stress.

Perhaps you have too many competing deadlines or perhaps you are overwhelmed by debt. Being mindful of what is causing you stress can be great because it allows you to take a balance approach to reduce your anxieties.

The best part is that you do not need to take out large chunks of your day to do this. You can practice mindful using a simple YouTube video or with an app like Calm.

Check out this short mindfulness and meditation video. It only takes 5 minutes!

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5) Use Music To Unwind

Never underestimate the healing power of a good jam session. Listening to music can literally reduce your stress by calming you down. Studies have shown that music can also decrease pain and improve your overall immunity.

The next time you begin to feel overwhelmed with your to-do list, try to turn on some tunes. This can help reduce the biological markers of stress as well as center you.

6) Saying ‘No’ Can Reduce Stress

Although we cannot dictate everything in life, we often have more control than we think. Taking back control of your schedule outside of work is one of the best ways to reduce your stress levels.

For example, do not let other people problems become your problem. Be selective in how you spend your time and with whom you interact. Say no to things that do not bring you joy and say yes to those that do.

It sounds simple, but, being selective with your time will greatly help you reduce excess stress in your life.

The Bottom Line

Although life can never be stress free, that does not mean we have to be consumed by stress. Using a combination of these methods to reduce stress can help us feel more calm in times of overwhelm and anxiety.

Have you tried any of the techniques above? If so, which tips have been most helpful in alleviating your stress?

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