August 2021 Debt Pay Off Progress

These last 6 weeks have been the most draining timeframe I have gone through in my adult life.

Each year, we pass the anniversary of our death without knowing which day will be our final. It sounds trite to say, but life is so short. People will always have opinions, suggestions and critiques about your life and it is impossible to please everyone. So you might as well please yourself.

For a quick overview of my full financial goals that I hope to hit before 30, check out this short video linked below.


  • Student Loans = ZERO
  • Car Loan = $6,556.93

Total Debt As Of September 15 2021: $6,556.93

Thoughts On Current Debt Totals

I remember being on the beach in Belize and totally up my debt totals (I am a joy at parties). $41K was the total I owed across all my accounts on October 2017.

My goal for myself was to be debt free by 30.

Some things have shifted a bit, but I can clearly see that goal in grasp now. I owe a little over $6,500 to Honda.

Can I pay that off before April 2022? What would it take on a monthly basis? About $1.092 a month starting in October.

That is doable but would deter from other goals, so I am leaning towards stretching it out to the end of the year. I want to do a big trip for my 30th birthday and I would rather save money for that than put extra money towards this loan.

This is a tradeoff I am willing to make even if that means I can’t say I was/am “debt free by 30”.

My Favorite Articles so far – My FIRE Journey
