Don’t Call It A Comeback

Hello, dear readers! It feels so good to be back here, typing away on my keyboard, and sharing my thoughts with all of you. It’s been several long months since I last posted on! During this hiatus, I’ve realized just how much I missed documenting my thoughts and delving into the world of financial blogging. Today, I want to reflect on my time away and share my intentions going forward.

I experienced my first layoff

I actually logged onto work later than I normally do on the day we found out about layoffs. When I signed in, I was bombarded with several Slack messages all inquiring, “Are you safe?”.

For many, it felt like the rug was pulled from underneath them. Although it had been communicated that layoffs weren’t off the table, we all thought we had more time. I had only been at my new company for less than a year but I had truly found community here.

I felt so much guilt during those first days in my new role as ‘one of the ones left behind’. It was really hard to concentrate on my work. The insistence that my projects were of high importance felt more like being under a microscope than reassurance.

Experiencing the layoffs put back into focus two core truths. I have little control in regards to what happens in a company I don’t own and I need to be investing more in order to retire early.

I came Face To Face With Grief

April 2023, has undoubtedly been the worst month of my life so far. We lost several people unexpectedly and we also lost one of our family pets. I never felt as much physical and mental pain as I did in those 4-6 weeks.

Grief made me even more angry and unstable.

The conclusion that I have come to is in threefold with one centralized theme: there is no order and there is no logic.

To me, there is no such thing as karma. Good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people.

You can only control yourself. No matter how much you may wish for it to be otherwise, the only agency you have is over yourself.

Final Thoughts

Stepping away allowed me to reflect on my blogging journey, evaluate my goals, and regain perspective.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, I delved into introspection, analyzing the reasons why I started blogging in the first place. To document my journey to financial independence.

I revisited my initial goals and the topics that sparked my passion. It was during this period of self-reflection that I realized just how much I missed the connection, the financial independence community, and the opportunity to inspire and be inspired. It’s my goal to post on here more often and to keep my primary goal at the forefront.

I want more freedoms in life and money is a powerful tool towards achieving that.
