January 2021 Debt Payoff Progress

If I am going to be honest, then I will say that these might not be as exciting going forward. Given that the bigger portion of my debt is gone, I have changed my focus.

I no longer am trying to throw as much money as possible towards my debt. Instead, I want to focus on investing.

My plan for 2021 is to actually max out my 401K for the first time. I also hope to max both my IRAs ( I still have $1,900 to contribute to my 2020 Roth as of this post).

For a quick overview of my full financial goals for 2021, check out this short video linked below.


I paid the exact dollar needed towards my car loan this month: $404.65

Truly, I do not see myself putting extra money towards this. At least not for the next few months.

To be frank, I have retirement catch up to do. That catch up will be my primary focus going forward.

I also want to cash flow my next birthday vacation. So I need to save up for that.


  • Student Loans = ZERO
  • Car Loan = $9,697.57

Total Debt As Of January 2021: $9,697.57


First, I am ahead of schedule for paying off my car.

Secondly, my total loan balance is now under 10K owed.

I feel as though I have a very real chance of being debt free by 30. Heck, I might even be debt free by the end of the year.

What are you currently working to pay off? Let us know down below in the comments.
