July 2021 Debt Payoff Progress

At the start of the year, I was still pretty much set on becoming debt free. For context, I had just paid off my student loans, got a higher paying job and was making real money on my side hustles.

However, as time progressed, I realized that debt freedom does not need to be my primary goal.

For a quick overview of my full financial goals that I hope to hit before 30, check out this short video linked below.


  • Student Loans = ZERO
  • Car Loan = $7,349.09

Total Debt As Of July 2021: $7,349.09

Thoughts On Current Debt Totals

I am basically paying Honda back what I need to: $404.65. Truth be told, I have a little under $7K left on this loan and I cannot wait to never pay a car loan again.

Seriously. I am going to drive this car until it becomes impossible to do so.

Then I am going to buy myself an SUV.

Getting in and out of my low AF Honda Civic is slightly agitating. Luckily, I am still young so my knees can handle it. However, this is not something I want to worry about as I coast into Early Retirement.

So, as soon as I save up for my SUV, I will be buying it in cash.

My Favorite Articles so far – FIRE Journey
