October 2020 Debt Payoff Progress

I think I can safely say that for me, there hasn’t been a scarier more anxiety prone time in my life.

With the upcoming election I can only sit back with a mixture of fear and anger as we wait to see what is decided.

Y I K E S.

Progress Thus Far

I did not pay that much towards my student loans this month. I instead spent about $500 on a trip to the Grand Canyon – lodging in the park is expensive.

Actually, all the lodging is expensive because, WHAT CHOICE DO YOU HAVE?

I track my progress towards my debt payoff journey using Personal Capital and the debt snowball method.

If you have any loans you are trying to get rid of, grab the personal finance bundle. These have been KEY in helping me track my debt payoff journey.

Current Debt Totals

  • Student Loans = $4,500.00
  • Car Loan = $10,056.23

Total Debt As Of October 2020: $14,556.23


I feel both close and far away from my goal of being student loan free. I am not sure what to focus on in the next two months to get this balance out of the way.

Some of my thoughts is to stop my payment towards my car loan. The interest is at 1.9% and I am technically paid ahead until January.

I am paid ahead because I have been making extra payments here and there. The thought is to re-direct the $404.65 and put it towards my student loans for the next 2 months.

Another thought was to take a pause on my savings goal to put the extra money towards my student loans. I automatically put away $150 a paycheck (this amount should be more) towards my various saving categories.

What I should probably do instead is divert those funds towards my student loans instead. I finally figured out how much money to have in my emergency fund, so these dollars were actually extra padding.

As 2020 has taught us, we never know what may happen. Please drop a comment below and let me know what goals you are working on in the last few months of this year.
