How To Crush Your Goals In 3 Proven Steps

You have an idea as to what it is you want to accomplish.

The only problem is, you are not sure HOW to accomplish it.

Fear not. Goal setting does not have to be complicated. In fact, the process is more streamlined than you think.

Take a deep breath, get your pen out and see below how you can easily crush your goals in 3 proven steps.

Step 1: Determine Your Goal(s)

In order to crush your goals, you must first DECIDE what it is that you want. Chances are you have probably heard of the ‘SMART’ goal setting method. Setting ‘SMART’ goals means developing goals that are:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable  
  • Realistic
  • Time-Based/Timely

Most people often find that their goals fit into one or more of the following categories: financials goals, weight goals, career goals, etc. In your goal setting process you have to be honest with yourself about what you want.

That means getting crystal clear as to what you want to accomplish.

This is the first and most important step as you set out to crush your goals. Write down everything you aim to accomplish and do not be shy.

This is the time to let you true desires be known.

Try to implement the SMART method as you jot down your goals.

For example, you could use the SMART method to transform a common financial goal such as “saving money” into a more specific goal.

Rather than saying “I want to save more money”. Try something like this instead.

SMART GOAL: I will update my direct deposit so that $50 goes into my online savings account each paycheck.

This is a much more practical goal than “save money” because it clearly illustrates HOW the person plans to achieve the goal.

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Step 2: Determine Why Your Goal Is Important

The second step to crush your goals is determining your reason(s). Why do you want to achieve the goal that you set out? Be completely honest with yourself.

Do not try to wrap up your “why” in a cute little bow or package it in a way that you think others will approve of. These are your goals.

Not your mom’s.

Not your spouse’s.

Here are several questions you could ask yourself while trying to pin point your why.

  • How could my life look once this goal is achieved?
  • Why is this important to me?
  • What inspires or excites me about achieving this?

Once you have figured out your why, make sure to stick it in a place that is visible to you. There is one main reason why you want to do this. Studies show that the more you see your goals, the more likely they are to follow them through.

Step 3: Make Time To Crush Your Goals

After you have clearly stated what your goals are and you have determined your “why”, you must do another very important step.

Set aside time.

This might seem like a challenging step at first, but with practice it becomes easier. Someday is not a day. In order to accomplish what we set out, we must be specific and intentional.

If you have the goal of becoming more fluent in a language, you have to set aside time to practice on Duolingo or enroll in a class.

If you have the goal of running a 5k, you also should schedule in some runs during the week.

The emphasis here is setting aside some time. Do not feel like you have to work on your goal from sunrise to sunset. Small steps still take you forward. It is more important to intentionally set aside some time rather than overloading yourself and falling short of completing any action.

Here is an example of how you can crush your goals and intentionally make time even if you are super busy:

Intentional Goal-Setting Example: “This week I will do[ACTIVITY] on [DAY] at [TIME] at/in [PLACE].”

In this example, you would fill out the day, time and place as you see fit. This goal will then look like this:

“This week I will do 20 minutes of yoga on Monday at 5:00pm at EoS Gym .”

Being intentional and setting aside time in this manner will get you one step closer to where you want to be. After all, persistence is better than perfection.
