The $40K Cash Flow – Part 1

2022 is setting out to be the most expense year of my adulthood. I turn 30 this year and have decided to purchase two items (set in stone) and I am also earmarking dollars for two other categories.

This is obviously not the only thing I have to pay for this year. I still have to pay for my living expenses (rent, food, etc.) as well as my outstanding debt. I also am still putting money towards my retirement fund, currently at 14% of my take home and my company matches 5%.

However, I do want to talk about my journey towards paying for these items even though I am not yet comfortable sharing what they actually are.

Set In Stone Expenses

Expense 1 – $8,000

This item probably gives me the biggest angst but then I feel bad about feeling that angst. Even though I am hoping to find immense value in this item, I know I will be judged harshly for it. I would love to pretend to be at the level of IDGAF but I indeed give all the Fs. Even though it is my money, I still have feelings of shame around this. It feels like something I should be able to power through on my own. However, I haven’t been able to so this is where I am.

Expense 2 – $22,300

This item is something I have been wanting for over 10 years. I have done extensive research and I know I am making the decision for myself. However, judgement and opinions have stopped me from fully sharing what it is…for now.

Potentially variable expenses

Expense 3 – $3,860

$2,360 of this is NOT variable and has already been paid. My budget for the rest is approximately $1,500. I would love to be able to report back a smaller number at the end of March but that is left to be seen.

Expense 4 – $5,000

I am a numbers person and I love exact figures. I absolutely hate when things are pending in my account and I like zero based budgeting. Knowing that this has the potential to fluctuate makes me uneasy. I have tried to come up with an approximation and this number seems realistic.

Universe, please prove me wrong as I would love to be under.

2022 About To Be Expensive AF

So there we have it, potentially $39,160 to cover/cashflow this year. I plan to track my progress throughout the year and if any other “big items” come up, to add it in here. I do not foresee that, but then again never say never.
