5 Fun Things To Do At Home That Aren’t Netflix And Chill

Chances are you have probably already binged Love Is Blind and are more than halfway through re-runs of your favorite sitcoms.

If you are looking for a fun alternative (or two) to watching TV, we have got your covered.

Check out our list of productive things you can do while at home that aren’t Netflix and Chill.

1) Change Up Your Space

We have a lot more time inside nowadays thanks to the ongoing pandemic. Since we are inside, we might as well enjoy our space.

Changing up your space can have a positive effect on your mood and overall well-being. In other words, it is a better alternative to watching TV.

For example, you might be tired of the leaky faucet under the bathroom sink. Or you might be considering how your living room will look with all the furniture placed at a 30 degree angle.

Now is the time to try out that new couch configuration.

Go ahead and paint that accent wall.

After all, if you do not like it, there is plenty of time to change it back.

2) Plan A virtual hangout

Before you roll your eyes and scroll away, hear me out. Do not picture a boring Skype meeting with glitchy screens. Instead, picture a fun virtual hangout with all your good friends.

Last weekend some of my grad school friends and I gave this a shot and had a blast. We all signed on to a Zoom meeting and had one person share their screen with the group.

Doing so allowed us to all watch the same show in real time since the Netflix Party Extension app was not working. Everyone had their beverage of choice (double margarita please) and had a great time watching and commenting along.

This is a great alternative to watching TV by yourself or mindlessly scrolling through Instagram.

3) Write A Letter To Yourself

Writing is a great way to process your emotions and let your feelings out. Social distancing is taking a great emotional toll on many people. This is understandable.

As humans, we are meant to engage with one another. Being stuck indoors, especially if you live alone, is taxing.

Write a letter to your future self. This is also another good alternative to watching TV because it allows you to better connect with yourself.

When we hold stress in, we are doing ourselves a disservice. Jot down whatever current fears or anxiety that might be going through your head.

Research suggests that facing your fears is helpful in the long run because it teaches you how to better cope with anxiety.

4) Join a Free Class Online

There are plenty of companies who are providing free resources to help us get through these times. For example, all financial courses at Clever Girl Finance are currently free. You can even take free educational classes taught by big name universities like Harvard & MIT.

If you are more on the creative side try taking a free photography course by Nikon or enrolling in a creative course through Kadenze.

You don’t have to be stuck watching Netflix all day. There are some fun alternatives to watching TV and plenty to still do while inside the house. Think of this as a great time to expand your skill set or just try out something new for free.

5) Get Your Finances Together

I can’t be a finance blogger if I don’t talk about well…finances right? Please, please, please use this time to get your financial life in order. I guarantee you that the payoff will be worth it.

First, figure out your bare bones budget.

You can refer to this as your PB&J budget.

Your ramen noodle budget.

Your rice and beans budget.

Related Article: Budgeting For Beginners: 4 Easy Steps To The Perfect Budget

Essentially, this budget is the bare minimum amount of money you need each month to survive. This does not include your Hulu subscription or Target runs. This is money for rent, groceries and other necessities.

Next, figure out what it is that you can do to get yourself in a good financial position. This may mean doing an online side hustle to bring in more money. It could also mean just getting your financial life together.

Check out our free resources page to gain the confidence and knowledge to be able to create a sound financial future.

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Fun Alternatives To Watching TV