How To Re-Set Your Intentions For The Year

Get Your Year Back On Track

It’s not an exaggeration to say that this year is not starting off on the best foot.

However, this does not mean we have to throw away your “new year” goals.

With focus and some intention, you can still make the changes you seek.

Here are 6 simple questions you can ask yourself to help you re-set your intentions for the year and get back on track.

1. How Can You Move Your Body More?

One of the most popular things people want to focus on is health. However, setting huge goals such as losing 40lbs can be discouraging. This is especially true when the scale does not move as fast as you think it should.

Instead of focusing solely on the numbers, think instead of how you can focus on your actions.

What are some fun ways can you move your body this year? Could you join an online Zumba class or take short walks during your work day?

Think about the exercises that you love to do or some new physical skills you hope to learn and try to incorporate it into your life. Set a specific goal as to which actions you will take.

Focusing on these small action steps can help re-set your intentions and keep you on track for achieving your bigger goals.

2. How Can You Deepen Your Friendships?

According to various studies by Dr. Waldinger, current director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development, people who are connected tend to live longer. Chances are there is probably room for you to expand on some of the friendships in your life. What are some ways in which you and your friends can work together to uplift each other?

Could you all start an accountability club to work towards debt pay off goals?

Create a book reading club that will allow everyone to meet and connect on a regular basis?

What about a weekly standing ‘jogging session’ or outdoor pot luck dinners?

Being connected gives us a sense of purpose and helps us feel supported and valued. Use some of these practical tips to help create a space that allows your circle of friends to be vulnerable and stay connected.

3. When Is Your Bedtime?

Seriously. When do you go to bed? Are you consistent with when you choose to turn in for the night or is your night time routine a random clusterf*ck? The importance of sleep cannot be overstated.

If you are not getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night, it is time to re-set your intentions around a better night time routine.

To start, think of all the ways you can signal to your brain that it is time to shut down for the day.

how to get more Quality Sleep

Could you do a ‘no-screens’ rule after a certain time in the evening?

Could you add a diffuser in your bedroom that releases calming scents that help you relax? Would you need to adjust the temperature and surround yourself in complete darkness – compliments of a blackout curtain?

Try out these different sleep aides and figure out which changes work the best for you. Doing so might just help you get more quality sleep each night

4. How Can You Give Back?

We’ve talked about the importance of connectivity, now let’s take it a step further. How can re-set your intentions to become more involved in your community?

Did you know that when we volunteer our time to others, we also end up strengthening our mental and physical health? Here are some practical ways to give back:

  • Volunteer at a soup kitchen
  • Become an online tutor
  • Serve on a community board
  • Help organize a charity event (Food drive, etc.)
  • Visit an elderly home and drop off supplies

5. How Can You Improve Your Financial Situation?

Oh personal finances. The very phrase can sometimes bring upon dread, but honestly it does not have to be that way.

It is possible for you to be in control of your finances even if you have made some financial mistakes in your past.

PRO TIP: Get a copy of our ‘Complete Finance Planner’ and get your finances together today.

The Complete Personal Finance Bundle

Maybe you need to make some tweaks to your budget or get started with retirement planning. Whatever the case, we got you covered.

Check out the ‘Resources’ tab on our home page to start improving your financial picture today.

6. How Are You Going To Have More Fun?

All work and no play makes for a lackluster life. How can you re-set your intentions to have more fun during the year? Could you join a salsa dancing class or another group activity?

Human beings are meant to interact and taking out time to have fun helps you build connections with others. Carving out some time for fun in your life can also help reduce your stress and who doesn’t want to be more relaxed?

In Conclusion:

Setting your intentions for the year does not have to be complicated. It starts by asking yourself what you hope to accomplish and then taking the necessary steps to get there.

My number one intention for this year is to finish paying off my car debt. You can follow my debt pay down progress here.

Share below what it is that you plan to focus on this year and what you hope to accomplish by doing so. Thanks!

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